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BridgePlus.framework, SMSForder Class Methods


Regular Expression methods




Returns an array of the match records found. If none found, returns an empty array.


+ (NSArray *)findMatchRecords:(NSString *)regexPattern inString:(NSString *)searchString options:(NSString *)optionsString


regexPattern = ICY regular expression pattern; see

searchString = string to search

optionsString = a string containing any or all of the following letters:

i Makes the search case insensitive

x Allows white space and #comments in the pattern

s Makes the "." character match a line terminator

m Makes "^" and "$" match the start/end of every line, not just the whole string

w Makes \b match word boundaries as described in Unicode UAX 29, rather than traditional regular expression behavior


An array of match record dictionaries. The format of a matchRecord dictionary is: {captureGroup:#, foundString:"found string", foundRange:{location:n, length:nn}}. For non-existent capture groups or capture groups that do not participate in a particular match, the foundString will be missing value, with a foundRange of {location:NSNotFound, length:0}.


Version 1.0.0




use scripting additions

use framework "Foundation"

use script "BridgePlus"

load framework

set aString to "The cat sat in the cot"

set theResult to current application's SMSForder's findMatchRecords:"c.t" inString:aString options:""

ASify from theResult

--> {{foundRange:{location:4, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"cat"}, {foundRange:{location:19, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"cot"}}

theResult as list -- only in 10.10 and later

--> {{foundRange:{location:4, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"cat"}, {foundRange:{location:19, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"cot"}}

set theResult to current application's SMSForder's findMatchRecords:"th." inString:aString options:""

ASify from theResult

--> {{foundRange:{location:15, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"the"}}

theResult as list

--> {{foundRange:{location:15, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"the"}}

set theResult to current application's SMSForder's findMatchRecords:"th." inString:aString options:"i"

ASify from theResult

--> {{foundRange:{location:0, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"The"}, {foundRange:{location:15, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"the"}}

theResult as list

--> {{foundRange:{location:0, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"The"}, {foundRange:{location:15, length:3}, captureGroup:0, foundString:"the"}}

Click here to open script in a script editor