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BridgePlus.framework, SMSForder Class Methods


URL and File related methods




Enumerate the directory (passed as an alias, file, HFS path, POSIX path or NSURL), and return the resource values for the requested keys of the items in it. Always includes the value for NSURLPathKey.


+ (NSArray *)resourceValuesForKeys:(NSArray *)resourceKeys forItemsIn:(NSArray *)urlFolderOrPath recursive:(BOOL)recurseFlag skipHidden:(BOOL)hiddenFlag skipInsidePackages:(BOOL)skipInPackagesFlag


resourceKeys = array or list of resource keys

urlFileOrPath = alias, file, HFS path, POSIX path or NSURL

recurseFlag = whether to recurse through any folders

hiddenFlag = whether to ignore hidden items

skipInPackagesFlag = whether to include items within file packages


Array of dictionaries/records of resource key values


Version 1.3.0




use scripting additions

use framework "Foundation"

use script "BridgePlus"

load framework

set urlFileOrPath to "~/Desktop"

set resourceKeys to {current application's NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey, current application's NSURLCreationDateKey}

set theResult to current application's SMSForder's resourceValuesForKeys:resourceKeys forItemsIn:urlFileOrPath recursive:true skipHidden:true skipInsidePackages:true

ASify from theResult

--> {​​​​​{​​​​​​​NSURLCreationDateKey:date "Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 10:53:10 AM", ​​​​​​​_NSURLPathKey:"/Users/shane/Desktop/10.11 Changes.webarchive", ​​​​​​​NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey:date "Friday, 25 September 2015 at 5:39:05 PM"​​​​​}, [...]}

theResult as list -- 10.11 only

--> {​​​​​{​​​​​​​NSURLCreationDateKey:date "Tuesday, 9 June 2015 at 10:53:10 AM", ​​​​​​​_NSURLPathKey:"/Users/shane/Desktop/10.11 Changes.webarchive", ​​​​​​​NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey:date "Friday, 25 September 2015 at 5:39:05 PM"​​​​​}, [...]}

theResult as list -- 10.9 and 10.10

--> {​​​​​{​​​​​​​NSURLCreationDateKey:(NSDate) 2015-06-09 00:53:10 +0000, ​​​​​​​_NSURLPathKey:"/Users/shane/Desktop/10.11 Changes.webarchive", ​​​​​​​NSURLAddedToDirectoryDateKey:(NSDate) 2015-09-25 07:39:05 +0000​​​​​}, [...]}

set sortDesc to current application's NSSortDescriptor's sortDescriptorWithKey:(current application's NSURLCreationDateKey) ascending:true

set sortedValues to theResult's sortedArrayUsingDescriptors:{sortDesc}

set thePaths to sortedValues's valueForKey:(current application's NSURLPathKey)

ASify from thePaths

--> <recursive list of POSIX paths of files and folders sorted by creation date>

thePaths as list

--> <recursive list of POSIX paths of files and folders sorted by creation date>

Click here to open script in a script editor