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BridgePlus.framework, SMSForder Class Methods


List manipulation methods




Sorts a list using the sort algorithm you provide. The selector will be used as the sorting comparator.

'stableSort' should be true for a stable sort.

The selector needs to take two parameters, which are the two values being compared. It should return 1 if the first value is the greater, -1 if it's the lesser, and 0 if they are the same. So you might pass something like: "compareThis:withThis:", and your script would then include a handler "on compareThis:x withThis:y".

For target, pass the constant me.

The calling of methods back-and-forth means this can be a pretty slow way to sort, especially if the objects are bridged.


+ (NSArray *)sortedArrayFrom:(NSArray *)listOrArray stableSort:(BOOL)stableSortFlag usingSelector:(SEL)selectorString target:(NSObject *)target


listOrArray = list or array to sort

stableSortFlag = boolean value

selectorString = string of the form “compareThis:withThat:”

target = usually me


The sorted array


Version 1.0.0




use scripting additions

use framework "Foundation"

use script "BridgePlus"

load framework

set listOrArray to {"one", "two", "three", "four", "five"}

set theResult to current application's SMSForder's sortedArrayFrom:listOrArray stableSort:true usingSelector:"compareThis:withThis:" target:me

ASify from theResult

--> {"one", "three", "five", "two", "four"}

theResult as list

--> {"one", "three", "five", "two", "four"}

on compareThis:x withThis:y

-- sort by last character of string

set x to x as text

set y to y as text

if last character of x > last character of y then

return 1

else if last character of x < last character of y then

return -1


return 0

end if

end compareThis:withThis:

Click here to open script in a script editor