Rotating an Image

From the Image Events dictionary:

rotate v : Rotate an image
rotate (reference): the object for the command
to angle (real): rotate using an angle

The rotate command is used to rotate an image clockwise around its center point. The value for the to angle parameter is a positive integer from 1 to 359.

To convert a negative rotation angle (counter-clockwise values), such as -90, to a positive value, add 360:

-90 + 360 = 270

NOTE: Images rotated to values other than 90, 180, or 270 will have their “non-image” areas padded with black pixels to maintain the resulting image shape as a rectangle.

To rotate an image, follow the same steps as the script used to flip an image.

set this_file to choose file
 tell application "Image Events"
 -- start the Image Events application
 -- open the image file
 set this_image to open this_file
 -- perform action
 rotate this_image to angle 270
 -- save the changes
 save this_image with icon
 -- purge the open image data
 close this_image
 end tell
on error error_message
 display dialog error_message
end try

Use of the roate command. (L to R) Normal, rotated 270 degrees or -90 degrees (90 degress counter-clockwise), rotated 45 degrees (note the automatic padding of the space around the rotated image).

Example Accepting User Input

will allow the user to enter the rotation information when the script is executed:

set this_file to choose file without invisibles
set the rotation_angle to 90
 display dialog ¬
 "Enter the rotation angle:" default answer rotation_angle ¬
 buttons {"Cancel", "Counter-Clockwise", "Clockwise"}
 copy the result as list to {rotation_angle, rotation_direction}
 set rotation_angle to rotation_angle as number
 if the rotation_angle is greater than 0 and ¬
 the rotation_angle is less than 360 then
 if the rotation_direction is "Counter-Clockwise" then
 set the rotation_angle to 360 - the rotation_angle
 end if
 exit repeat
 end if
 on error
 end try
end repeat
 tell application "Image Events"
 -- start the Image Events application
 -- open the image file
 set this_image to open this_file
 -- perform action
 rotate this_image to angle rotation_angle
 -- save the changes
 save this_image with icon
 -- purge the open image data
 close this_image
 end tell
on error error_message
 display dialog error_message
end try